Why Should You Care About Your Gut Microbiome?

Why Should You Care About Your Gut Microbiome?

Lacee Cunningham is a functional nutritional therapy practitioner (FNTP) specializing in gut health, hormone balance, stubborn weight loss, blood sugar regulation and most importantly helping you get back to feeling great! To work with Lacee go to...

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REAL Food Foundations

REAL Food Foundations

This might surprise you but planning, preparing and enjoying REAL food is actually easy! Many of the clients I coach at Simply28 Nutrition, find that the number one challenge they have when it comes to taking care of their health and eating nutritious food is that...

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Seasoned French Fries

Seasoned French Fries

Who says you can't have your French Fries and eat them too? I know, I know the saying actually goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it too?" Well if that's the case why even make the cake if you can't eat it and why have French...

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Grilled Caprese Burgers

Grilled Caprese Burgers

What do you get when combine the all American goodness of a grilled hamburger with summertime tomatoes, fresh mozarella and fragrant basil? Well let's just call it a little bit of flavor town! If  you are looking for a new twist to liven up your basic burgers for...

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Homemade Baby Formula

Homemade Baby Formula

If breast feeding is not possible for you and your baby an alternative to commercially made formula is this homemade formula made entirely from real food ingredients. When it comes to feeding mothers of all ages whether it be to help them increase breast milk supply,...

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How to Feed Your Baby

How to Feed Your Baby

A personal guide to help increase breast milk production, know and understand if formula is right for you and you’re a baby, and learn how to make baby formula at home from real food ingredients. Feeding our babies has never before been so confusing for both working...

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Bringing Out Your Inner Beauty

Bringing Out Your Inner Beauty

5 Secrets to Creating Healthy, Younger Looking Skin Did you know that more than $58 billion is spent globally each year on anti-aging products? I know it sounds crazy and a little hard to wrap our heads around but it is an entire industry built on the promotion of...

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Could Hot Flashes be a Sign of High Blood Sugar?

Could Hot Flashes be a Sign of High Blood Sugar?

6 Tips to Reduce Hot Flashes and Lower Blood Sugar Levels Ask any woman who is either going through menopause or is postmenopausal what the most annoying symptom of “the change” is and you are likely to hear hot flashes. Hot flashes can strike at the least convenient...

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Can Intermittent Fasting Help Heal Leaky Gut?

Can Intermittent Fasting Help Heal Leaky Gut?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) has recently become popular in the world of health and fitness for benefits including weight loss, reducing hypertension, eliminating water retention and supporting the bodies removal of dead or damaged cellular tissue known as autophagy. But...

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Welcome to Simply28

Hi, I am Lacee Cunningham, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and lover of food and life! I am committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through great food and a fun, active lifestyle.

I believe that the majority of modern health problems such as obesity, diabetes, digestive issues and hormonal imbalances can have symptoms alleviated and often be completely reversed through a healthy diet that is nutrient dense and appropriate for the individual.

Learn more . . .