
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, and with it comes the excitement of a new school year, the anticipation of autumn leaves, and the early appearance of Halloween decorations. As pumpkin lattes start to grace café menus and comfort foods return to our weekly meal plans, there’s one less thrilling aspect of this time of year: the arrival of back-to-school colds and flu.

With kids returning to classrooms, the chances of catching a cold or the flu increase. But don’t worry—there are practical steps you can take to keep your family healthy as the seasons change. Here are eight tips to help you avoid those back-to-school bugs:

  1. Boost Your Immune System Omega 3’s

A strong immune system starts with good nutrition. Make sure your family’s diet is packed with colorful fruits & vegetables, high quality proteins that are either wild caught, grass-fed, or pasture raised, and make sure to include plenty of Omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fats help strengthen the immune system by building healthy immune cell membranes, building white blood cells that help eliminate bacterial and viral pathogens, and reduce chronic inflammation that can negatively impact your immune system. Omega 3 fats can be found in wild caught or grass-fed meats, eggs from hens that pasture raised, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and especially in cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. If getting enough Omega 3’s from your diet is a challenge, consider either an EPA/DHA supplement or my personal favorite Nordic Natural’s Cod Liver Oil which provides 1060mg of Omega 3 fats in just one serving.

  1. Choose Nutrients that Boost Your Immune System

A healthy balance of all vitamins and minerals is important however, there are a few nutrients that directly support your immune system such as vitamin C and folate. For a full list of immune boosting nutrients get the FREE guide here >>> The Top 7 Immune Boosting Super Foods <<<

Foods high in vitamins C and zinc like oranges, strawberries, spinach, nuts and shellfish can help strengthen immune defenses. Encourage your family to eat a rainbow of colorful foods to ensure they’re getting a variety of nutrients.

  1. Avoid Immune Suppressing Sugar

Sugar creates a cascade of inflammatory responses within your body by increasing pro-inflammatory molecules. Chronic inflammation suppresses the immune system leaving us more vulnerable to infections. Check ingredients and avoid any food that contains ingredients ending in -ose such as sucrose, dextrose, glucose, maltose, fructose, and especially high fructose corn syrup which can damage the liver and dysregulate insulin response. Avoid all forms of processed white or brown sugar and processed flours that react much like sugar in the body.

Instead choose healthy natural sweeteners in the form of honey or real maple syrup and fresh fruit.  Fructose, is the natural sugar found in fruit and fine when eaten in whole fruit form.

If sugar cravings are haunting you, grab a FREE copy of the Ultimate Sugar Detox Cheat Sheet!

  1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to overall health, including maintaining a strong immune system. Water is the best choice, but herbal teas, broths, and water-rich fruits like watermelon and cucumbers also contribute to hydration. Ensure your kids take a water bottle to school to encourage regular drinking throughout the day. Kids and adults should try to consume half their body weight in ounces of water daily. A child weigh 60 pounds should drink approximately 30 ounces of water daily where as and adult weighing 160 pounds needs about 80 ounces.

  1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. As school schedules pick up, it’s important for both kids and parents to get enough rest. Aim for a consistent bedtime that allows everyone to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night, which helps the body fight off potential infections.

  1. Stay Active with Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is not only good for physical fitness but also for boosting the immune system. Encourage your kids to stay active with sports, outdoor play, or family activities like biking or hiking. Even 30 minutes of physical activity each day can make a big difference in keeping colds and flu at bay.

  1. Keep Stress Levels in Check

Stress can weaken the immune system, making it easier to catch colds and flu. Help your kids manage the pressures of school by creating a calm, supportive environment at home. Encourage activities that reduce stress, such as reading, drawing, or spending time outdoors. Mindfulness exercises or deep breathing techniques can also help both kids and parents relax and stay healthy.

  1. Practice Good Hand Hygiene

Proper handwashing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before meals and after using the restroom. When soap and water aren’t available, hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol are a good backup.

As you transition from the laid-back days of summer to the structured routines of fall, these tips can help keep your family healthy and ready to enjoy all the season has to offer. By focusing on nutrition, hygiene, rest, activity, hydration, and stress management, you can reduce the risk of back-to-school illnesses and make the most of this exciting time of year.

Staying health is easy when you cut the junk food and focus on real nutrient-dense food. However, planning and preparing can be challenging! That’s why I’ve created the Meal Planning Made Easy Course.

With the Meal Planning Made Easy course you will have at your fingertips 4 weeks of completely done for you meal plans that are healthy and most of all easy to prepare that will eliminate the stress that comes with insuring you and your family have a healthy diet