
There has been a lot of talk over the recent years about bone broth – so much so that it seems to some like a new-fangled product. But the truth is bone broth is a delicious and soothing liquid that has been around since ancient times. It is created by boiling down meaty bones to pull out the minerals and other nutrients from the bone itself, its marrow and the joint tissue resulting in a healing broth that is nutrient rich, soothing to drink and is a base for rich soups and hearty stews.

Slow cooking broth has been a dietary staple for centuries and something that many cultures still embrace. While attending nutritional therapy school, I met a fellow student that was from Japan. James, his American name, studied remotely and then traveled from his home town in Japan to attend the in-person study portion of our training through the Nutritional Therapy Association. James is an avid believer in the healing power of bone broth. Like many households in Japan and other countries, broth is a staple and a large pot is made weekly.  The broth is used as base for sauces, to make delicious soups or to simply drink a hot mug with a meal or as an afternoon pick me up. It is considered a normal part of their daily diet.

Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Provides Essential Vitamins & minerals – There are many reasons that bone broth is beneficial for our health. Broth made from chicken, turkey, beef, lamb or other meat contains vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc – nutrients that are lacking in the typical standard American diet. Broths created from fish bones also contain iodine, which is essential for thyroid function. A small amount of vinegar must be added during cooking to release the minerals from the bones into the broth.

Improves Joint Health – Joint and knuckle bones release glucosamine and chondroitin that are naturally found in cartilage. These nutrients support joint health by growing and lubricating our joints.

Heals the Digestive Tract – Bone broth contains an amino acid called glutamine which helps heal and maintain the function of the mucosal lining of the intestinal wall. It is especially helpful to heal an soothe the intestinal tract for people who suffer from leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac and Crohn’s Disease. It also helps people with these conditions to absorb nutrients that they tend to be deficient in due to their disease or condition.

Helps Fight Chronic Inflammation – Bone broth is an anti-inflammatory food that helps reduce internal inflammation and lowers risk for diseases including heart disease, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and arthritis.

Weight-Loss and Healthy Weight Management – Bone broth is very low in calories yet extremely satisfying. It provides satiety, that feeling of fullness. It contains protein that helps keep you full longer and contains collagen that helps increase muscle mass, rebuilding organ tissue and improves the strength and growth of hair and nails.

Improve Sleep and Brain Function – The amino acid glycine, found in bone broth helps you to relax and improves sleep patterns. Glycine can help you fall asleep faster and maintain a deeper sleep so that you wake up feeling well rested. People who sleep more sound also tend to have improved mental function and memory.

It’s Easy on the Pocket Book – Ok so maybe this isn’t technically a direct “health” benefit but if you can get the nutrients you need without breaking the bank on expensive vitamins and minerals, I call it win. It is easy to make and is an inexpensive super food that provides more bioavailable nutrients than most commercial supplements.

While I don’t make bone broth every week like James’ family does, I typically make enough to last a couple of weeks at a time and then freeze it in quart sized jars. Drinking bone broth has helped me personally relieve symptoms of leaky gut and arthritis but most of all homemade broth just tastes great! Are you ready to get started making your own batch of bone broth? Then click here for my personal recipe that is easy to make and taste great, Simply28 Bone Broth.

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