How to Lower A1C Naturally
The A1C test, also known as a hemoglobin A1C test, is a blood tests that indicates our cellular glycation, a fancy term for determining a person’s average blood sugar over the past three months. When sugar enters our blood stream it attaches to hemoglobin, a protein...
The Link Between Valentine’s Day and Heart Health
Did you know that Valentine’s Day just happens to fall right in the middle of American Heart Month? That’s right. February is National American Heart Month and I believe that this is not just a coincidence. You see, cardiovascular problems effect approximately 48...
Good Things Take Time
Do you ever feel like you’re not moving fast enough? Things take longer than you want them to? You run into obstacles at every turn? If any of these thoughts sound like you, then I get you, my friend. I often find myself in the same boat of wanting to get results and...
Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be prone to catch every virus, bug or illness that is going around? Maybe you or someone you know experiences this and no matter what you do or how you try to protect yourself you still get sick. Many people find...
Winter Lip Therapy
Dry, cracked, peeling lips…ugh! Winter can be harsh on our skin and especially on our lips. Between being outside on windy days and the dry indoor heat from our homes, office and car, the tender skin on our lips can crack and peel and become very sore this time of...
5 Strategies for a Healthy 2023
Hello there and Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since I wrote the 2022 New Year’s blog post 5 tips to Achieve Your Goals No Matter What! In that post, we learned how to celebrate our wins no matter how big or how small. We learned the...
Post-Holiday Adrenal Restore
Now that we are through the holidays and have a brand-New Year on the rise, this is a great time to manage our stress, reduce internal inflammation AND give our adrenals a break. A Post-Holiday Adrenal Restore is just what the doctor (or your friendly neighborhood...
Can Reducing Sugar Intake Lower Cholesterol Levels?
Cholesterol is a complex subject that is constantly evolving as we discover more about it. A common misconception is that arterial plaque (atherosclerosis) that can clog our arteries and create blockages is caused from cholesterol. At first glance, this makes sense...
Everything You Need to Know About Pumpkin
Pumpkins are not just good for making jack-o-lanterns and pumpkin pie! Pumpkins and other winter squash are some of the greatest superfoods on earth and are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that is in the same plant family as...
How to Lose Your Muffin Top With a Grain Free Diet
The what to wear dilemma … Which pants to wear that will still be comfortable when you sit down and your muffin top protrudes? Which top to wear that will be loose enough and long enough to hide my love handles? Having an extra layer of fat around your middle can be...