
From the time we are born, our bodies are continually growing and developing. We continue to advance through child hood, puberty and finally into adulthood as strong and healthy individuals. Adults that have a strong immune system, rarely catch even a common cold and have an abundance of energy. As young adults we perform well. Our minds are sharp and able to absorb new material easily. Our bodies are strong able to lift, move, squat and bend throughout the day. Hormones are balanced, a healthy weight is easily maintained and we often feel invincible. We can do anything and be whomever we want to be!

And then something changes. Suddenly our bodies begin to decline. Energy levels plummet. We gain a little weight or maybe even a lot. We feel lethargic and tired much of the time. Our joints and muscles ache. Our immune system fades making us vulnerable to catching whatever bug happens to be going around. Many experience digestion problems such as heart burn, belching, gas and nausea after eating. And still others begin to have serious chronic problems such as high blood sugar, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, infertility and autoimmune disease.

Health can decline rapidly when given the wrong environment, exposing us to a wide variety of health problems, more frequent visits to medical doctors and expensive treatments and medications that typically help one symptom but create a whole list of additional symptoms. But the good news is it can be turned around even more quickly with a healthy diet of real food.

What Real Food Is

Real food is the food our bodies were meant to eat. Food that is as close to its original source as possible. Nutrient dense foods such as meat, poultry, fish, a large variety of vegetables and some fruit. Add in some healthy fats such as olive oil and real butter. Yes, I said real butter from real grass-fed cows. Next, toss in a handful or so of nuts and seeds that are packed with minerals providing a compact source of energy. NOW, you are well on your way to either staying on the healthful path or turning the table on chronic illness and naggings symptoms.

To optimize your health, choose the healthiest foods you can. The healthiest foods for humans come from the healthiest plants and animals that have not been raised in poor conditions or treated with chemicals & preservatives. Here is my Good, Better, Best way to select the best real foods available to you.

Good – Shop the perimeter of the store including produce, meat department and the dairy section. Choose conventional meats, vegetables & fruits. While these products may have been subjected to pesticides or grown in feed lots, they are still better than buying packaged foods. Stay away from all packaged foods even those that advertise gimmicky health claims. Foods that state they are gluten free, whole grain, cholesterol lowering or are “part of a healthy diet”, are not real foods and do not support good health.

Better – Choose foods that are certified organic or natural-raised. The organic certification is one of the few ways consumers have to make sure their food has not been subjected to chemicals and pesticides. If your food comes from a trusted source, the organic accreditation may not be necessary but in cases where you don’t know the farmer, the term “organic” guarantees that you will be eating clean food.

Best – Choose foods that have either been wild caught or that have been raised by local farmers using natural ways to produce healthy crops. Practices such as crop rotation, companion planting and fertilization with compost and mulch insure production of the highest quality crops of vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry.

What Real Food Is Not

Foods that have been treated with chemicals, preservatives, hormones and antibiotics. Foods that come in a box or package and contain ingredients that few of us can pronounce. Foods that have been crafted in a food plant or in a laboratory. Here are a some foods to avoid.

Packaged Foods – All foods that come in a bag, package or box including cookies, crackers, boxed entrées & side dishes, frozen meals, most health bars and cereals.

Sugary Treats – sweetened sport drinks, soda, candy, and most importantly avoid all foods containing high fructose corn syrup, the gateway drug to insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity.

Unhealthy Fats – Trans fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid all margarine and fake butters, avoid corn oil, vegetable oil and Canola oil which has been treated with chemical deodorizers to make it palatable.


It can be challenging to navigate through the grocery store and determine what foods will best support the health of you and your family. Just remember to shop the perimeter of the store and do the best you can. “Living Life Healthy and Happy!”


For a complete list of real food options, click here to get my FREE

“Quick Start Guide to Healthy Eating” plus “What to Eat Shopping Guide”