
It’s 6am and I am climbing out of bed. I sit on the edge of the bed for just a minute moving slowly because my joints are aching. I hear a little snap, crackle, pop and it’s not the Rice Krispie elves making me breakfast!

As I start to move a little more the blood gets a flowin’ and my joints begin to move a little better. I think to myself, “I am way too young for this!”

Can you relate?

Joint pain and stiffness is just one of the many signs of collagen deficiency but the good news is, it is an easy fix! Read on my friend and discover “The 4 Life Changing Benefits of Collagen” that everyone must know.

So, what is exactly is collagen? And do we really need it?

Collagen is the bodies most abundant protein found in our skin and connective tissue. It is made up of a variety of proteins known as amino acids. Out of 22 known amino acids, 9 of these are “essential” meaning that our bodies cannot create them therefore, we must get them from dietary sources. Collagen contains many of these amino acids. It promotes healing and growth of healthy skin, hair and nails. It supports well lubricated joints and reduces joint pain.

Humans and animals alike create their own collagen, but after the age of about 25 years collagen production declines in humans. This decline in collagen can result in premature aging, joint stiffness and swelling, digestive problems and even weight gain. Collagen is an important part of a healthy diet that can help us avoid premature aging and live vibrant healthy lives.

4 Life-Changing Benefits of Collagen

Fountain of youth – Collagen provides amazing benefits when it comes to looking and feeling younger. Glutamine is an amino acid found in collagen that supports healthy, younger looking skin. It strengthens connective tissue surrounding joints and muscles and it supports elasticity which helps prevent wrinkles.

The amino acids arginine and carnitine help repair skin cells and damaged DNA. Creatine helps build strong tendons, cartilage and ligaments, helping to relieve joint pain. So, collagen not only helps you look younger but feel younger too!

While collagen is found in many beauty products, it is best utilized from the inside out through diet as opposed to a topical treatment for the skin, hair or nail.

Weight Management – The amino acid glutamine can be converted to glucose in the body and used for energy without raising insulin levels. Managing lower blood sugar and insulin levels prevents the body from storing as excess fat. The amino acid make-up of proteins helps to satisfy appetite and keep us feeling full for longer periods of time.

Muscle Growth and Repair -Methionine is one of the 9 essential amino acids, meaning our bodies cannot make it and we must get it from dietary sources. Methionine promotes the production of other amino acids that our bodies can produce like creatine which helps build muscle and lysine which helps muscle recovery after a hard work out or extended activity.

Gut Health & Leaky Gut – Glutamine wins again as a healing agent for leaky gut also known as intestinal permeability. Leaky gut describes damage to the intestinal wall that is caused primarily by toxins, parasites and phytates found in certain foods and antibiotics. This damage creates openings in the intestinal lining where undigested food particles can “leak” through and get into the blood stream.

Undigested food particles that have leaked into the blood stream are seen by the body as foreign invaders. Our immune system kicks into kill the invaders and protect us.

But each time we eat, more food particles continue to leak into the blood stream. The immune system continues to strengthen the attack on these foreign particles of food getting more and more aggressive.

Eventually, the immune system gets overwhelmed because as much as it is trying to clear the foreign invaders, they keep coming back. At this point, the confused immune system begins to attack the cells of otherwise healthy components of the body creating an auto-immune response. Some auto-immune disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and psoriasis.  For an extensive list and more information, click on this link  What Are Autoimmune Disorders?

The good news is Glutamine repairs the intestinal lining at the cellular level. By repairing the damage, we can prevent most autoimmune disorders from occurring and often reverse symptoms if the disorders have already began.

Collagen Rich Foods

It is always best to get collagen from real food sources when ever possible. The body utilizes real food more efficiently than supplements. Here are a list of foods that naturally contain collagen.

  • Bone Broth – Broth made from slow cooking bones and cartilage of animals, poultry and fish is probably one of the best sources of collagen we can find. During the cooking process collagen, gelatin, vitamins and minerals are released from the bones and cartilage into the liquid making these nutrients easy to consume and utilize. Bone broth can be sipped, used as a base for soups and sauces and used to sauté vegetables. If making homemade bone broth seems daunting check out Bonafide Provisions. Bonafide Provisions is my go to broth when I don’t have time to cook my own. It is naturally made without artificial flavors from grass-fed, pasture raised animals. It can be found on their website Bonafide Provisions or at many local health stores in the freezer section.
  • Eat the skin nose to tail and slow cooked meats – Yes! The eat the crunchy skin of a roasted chicken or add the skin to your pot of bone broth and let the nutrients, flavor and collagen seep in to the liquid.
  • Canned tuna, salmon or sardines- These canned products have small collagen-containing bones that become soft and digestible and sometimes completely dissolve.
  • Fish Broth – slow cooked much like bone broth from meat or poultry is a great substitute for pescatarians or people who prefer not to eat meat.

Collagen Producing Foods

These foods contain nutrients that aid the body in producing its own collagen. Nutrients like vitamin C and zinc are especially beneficial when it comes to collagen production. These foods include:

  • Egg whites – contain the amino acid proline which supports collagen production
  • Citrus fruits and berries – contain Vitamin C which not only promotes collagen production but also acts as an anti-oxidant reducing oxidative stress, a fundamental component in premature aging.
  • Red meat, shell fish, nuts & seeds, eggs and dark chocolate – Are all great sources of zinc which promotes collagen production, strengthens the immune system, makes protein and DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Zinc is essential during pregnancy, infancy and child hood. It helps kids grow and develop.
  • Garlic & Onions – These vegetables not only add flavor to a meal but they provide sulfur which prevents the breakdown of collagen that is already formed.
  • Tomatoes – another good source for vitamin C and also lycopene. Lycopene is an anti-oxidant that specifically supports healthy skin.
  • Bell Peppers – Add bell peppers to your salads or a yummy fajita mixture to provide more vitamin c and anti-inflammatory compounds that prevent cellular degeneration.

Collagen Supplements

Collagen, like every other nutrient in our diet is best when received through real food that is as close to its original source as possible including fresh vegetables and fruits, grass-fed organic meats, wild caught fish and healthy fats. But in times when these foods aren’t available or you just need an easier way to get the nutrients that your body needs, supplements can be very helpful.

My go to product to make sure I am getting enough collagen is Vital Proteins Collagen. Vital Proteins Collagen relieves my morning joint pain and improves my digestive system. Vital Proteins Collagen provides 18 of the 22 amino acids making it a great protein to add to my morning coffee or a Green Keto Smoothie. It comes from grass-fed, pasture raised beef and can be mixed in just about anything hot or cold. Sometimes I even add a scoop to my morning coffee. It can be added to soups, sauces, baked goods or even scrambled eggs! It’s odorless, tasteless and does not change the texture of any food. Vital Proteins Collagen is gluten free and dairy free making it paleo friendly. But if eating meat is not your jam you can check out their Marine Collagen made from non-gmo, wild caught fish.

*Note: While collagen is important when it comes to reversing or relieving symptoms from autoimmune disease, it is one piece of the nutritional puzzle. For more information on healing autoimmune disease through nutritional therapy, contact Lacee for a Free Consultation.