
Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Breakfast is the first meal we eat that literally “breaks the fast” that our bodies have undergone while sleeping. Just as the body rejuvenates and heals during sleep, the digestive system is also at work during this fasting period by cleaning the intestinal lining, repairing damaged cells and growing new ones.

Whether you’re an early bird and like to eat within an hour of waking or you practice intermittent fasting and prefer to delay eating until mid-morning or lunch, the time of day you choose to “break-fast” is not what is most important. Instead, what you choose to eat and giving your body the right start is what matters most when it comes to balancing hormones.

The fastest way to see and feel the results of balanced hormones is through diet. Each of our internal organs are supported by specific nutrients. Eating a diet that is low in sugar and processed carbohydrates and high in nutrient dense foods will provide what your body needs to optimize hormone production. Start your day off right with a meal that includes organic whole food, fiber and some specific minerals for hormone health that you will learn about below.

The Hormone Support Breakfast

Eggs – Organic and pasture raised eggs are high in vitamins A & E, Omega 3 fatty acids and iodine. Iodine is the primary nutrient that supports thyroid and breast tissue. If the girls are feeling a little tender there is a good chance that you are deficient in iodine. Choose iodine rich foods such as eggs, sea vegetables and shell fish or consider an iodine supplement.

Kelp Powder – Sea vegetables are also a great source of iodine and many other minerals. For the highest quality kelp powder make your own. Purchase dry kelp leaves such as kombu at a natural food store or on line. Place several leaves in a high-speed blender and grind in to a powder. Keep in a small bowl next to your stove so it’s easy to access when cooking. Season your eggs and all your meals with a pinch of kelp powder just as you would sea salt & pepper. Want to know more? Check out this link, Kelp Powder: a Natural Source of Iodine & Umami.

If making your own kelp powder seems daunting, try one of these organic kelp powder supplements by Microingredients Superfoods or Solution Specific Supplements. Use as directed as an oral supplement.

Brazil Nuts – Just one Brazil nut contains the recommended daily allowance of selenium, the most important mineral to support ovarian and testicular health and production of estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

Pumpkin Seeds – Contain collagen producing manganese which is great for healthy hair and nails as well as magnesium, iron, copper and beneficial Omega 3’s.

Almonds – Provide Omega 6 fatty acids, a variety of nutrients and satiety. Almonds are also a great snack that keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time.

Sauerkraut – Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt and kombucha contain healthy probiotics and should be consumed daily. Choose naturally fermented vegetables and yogurt. Avoid the sugar laden popular brands of yogurt that often contain as much sugar as a candy bar!

High Fiber Fruit – Apples, berries or even vegetables contain additional nutrients and fiber to feed the gut microbiota  and satisfy that morning sweet tooth.

Tip: The quickest way to start improving your hormone health is to remove processed sugar & grains, gluten and alcohol from your diet. Remove these foods and focus on nutrients that support hormonal health for a minimum of 4 weeks then see how you feel. Once your hormones are recalibrated and balanced, an occasional treat, cocktail or glass of wine are fine as long as you maintain an overall nutrient-dense diet and keep sugar and processed foods to a minimum.